This magical group of women recently booked a spicy selfie class with me and we had the most fun! Their laughter, and encouragement of each other, was just such a treat to be a part of!
During your class with me you will….
·Learn how to set up your phone to take amazing selfies!
·Learn how to find the best lighting, even in difficult situations!
·How to create different compositions that emote the vibes you want to achieve!
·How to do a variety of poses that will spice up your photos!
·My favorite method of how to actually take the photos!
·Editing tips!
Everyone gets to go home with a phone full of bomb selfies, feeling empowered, and with some good memories made with your friends!
Want to be part of an empowering and fun group of folks and stay up to date on specials and events? Join my private facebook group by clicking here!